TBC News

Techie IT

British Council, Nepal visit to British Model College

To promote relations between the British Council, Nepal and the British Model College, a visit progr...

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TBC Intra College Futsal Tournament 2017

Sporting activities are very important at TBC due to their ability to promote drive, teamwork and sp...

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BMC kicks off their annual Model UN event

British Model College, a sister organisation of The British College, kicks-off the third annual sess...

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Winter Vacation of BMC Students in Singapore

British Model College, in order to make the best of winter vacation, organised a tour to Singapore. ...

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The Model United Nations Orientation Programme 2017

The Model United Nations Orientation Programme 2017, which was held yesterday, was successfully or...

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Braindigit IT Solutions visited The British College

Deepika Barakoti and Shraddha Upadhyaya, Business Development Officers from Braindigit IT Solutions ...

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BBA / BSc Computing Level 3 Induction

On Sunday we welcomed new students to the college to begin studies in BSc (Hons) Computing and BBA B...

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ACCA Orientation Programme 2017

A new year brings with it another batch of eager students ready to further their academic success ...

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Rejika Maharjan Wins the NBCCI – ACCA scholarship 2016

We are very proud to congratulate our student Rejika Maharjan on winning the NBCCI – ACCA sc...

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British Ambassador H.E. Mr Richard Morris visits The British College

It was a great honour and pleasure to welcome to The British College Kathmandu on Wednesday 14 Decem...

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The Christmas Party 2016

"The Christmas Party" was a mini fiesta organised by the students of The British College, Kathmandu ...

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An Interaction Session With Mr. Sugat Ratna Kansakar (Managing Director of Nepal Airlines Corporation)

Mr. Sugat Ratna Kansakar, Managing Director of Nepal Airlines Corporation, was a guest speaker at Th...

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