TBC students graduated in Bristol, UK

CEO of The British College (TBC) was in Bristol on July 15th and 16th, 2015 to witness the representative from the first batch of TBC students receive their degrees at the Graduation ceremony held in the magnificent Bristol Cathedral by the University of the West of England (UWE).
The Chancellor of UWE, Sir Ian Caruthers, OBE, praised ALL the TBC Students for their success despite the major earthquakes in Nepal.
Family members of Mr Karan Chaudhary (BBA), Chetna Sharma, Rahul Parajuli, Rubin Chandra Maharjan and Sudat Bajracharya (all MIM) were present and the students met UWE Vice- Chancellor Steve West and Deputy Vice- Chancellor Jane Harrigton at a VIP drinks reception after the ceremony.
A further graduation for UWE students in Bristol will be held in November 2015 when more of TBC’s successful students are expected to attend.
The British College will be organizing a graduation ceremony in September in Kathmandu for all their successful students. “These graduates represent the hard work of all the people at TBC and everyone deserves a big vote of thanks. I am very proud of all our graduates not just those present in Bristol” said Rajen Kandel CEO of The British College.