Student Voice : Ruby Shah on International Woman of Business

As we celebrate academic success for this issue, who better to interview than one of our very own students Ruby Shah who last month won the Zonta International JMK Women in Business Scholarship award? We decided to grill her on how she made it to the top - and what she plans to do now that she has got there.
“Hi, Ruby! Well, firstly congratulations! So, how does it feel to be one of only six scholars worldwide to receive the Zonta International JMK Women in Business Scholarship this year?”
‘Over the moon’ would be an understatement I guess as I had been manifesting for this scholarship for a very long time. I applied for it in 2020 as my first attempt but unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the national selection round. Heartbroken yet more determined than ever, I re-applied in 2021 and I am very grateful to have finally received it. It was really fulfilling to see my family, especially my mum’s reaction when I told her the news. I feel that this scholarship is a sweet acknowledgement for their constant support and motivation. Likewise, I am really humbled and indebted for all of the love and support that I have been receiving from everyone at the moment.
“That’s amazing! So, how are you planning to use the scholarship amount?”
I come from a very patriarchal society where even getting a high-school degree for a girl is a huge deal. Having such supportive parents who have been investing in my studies in the best possible institutions since childhood makes me accountable to lead by example. Thus, I aim to be a first-generation graduate student and plan to invest this scholarship amount in assisting my MBA studies in the future. I believe with further quality education, I can bring more values that can contribute to diminishing gender inequality in both the social and professional spheres.
“ And finally, what advice do you have for your fellow women in business?”
The gender disparity that we see in today’s corporate world is commendably getting lower but we have a very long way to go. The most powerful catalyst in this process is the women supporting each other to mark their own way with confidence and compassion. So I request every ‘sheroes’ to never reject themselves and to be vocal about what they deserve. Be it equal pay or an equal share in the board room, females are equally competent to run a business like they run a family - if given proper love and support. So go girl! You got this!
Thank you, Ruby! I think we all feel a bit more inspired now. And once again congratulations - we can’t wait to see what you next achieve.