Techie IT

The Student Voice: What Does Cyber Security Really Mean?

Published on : September 30, 2021 at 04:21 AM
Published on : September 30, 2021 at 04:21 AM

What is Cyber Security?

An Interview Conducted with Students, by Students 

This month’s interview is with the two leaders of the IT club at the British Model College. 


In light of the new Cyber Security course at The British College* - A level student, Prayukta KC, decided to interview the leader of the IT club, Dhiraj Cahpagain, and head of Cyber Security at the IT Club, Pranay Nidhi. 


She asked them about cyber security, what we can expect from the field in the future, and what advice they have for students considering the course.


*Subject to validation

Dhiraj Chapagain- Leader/ IT Club 


First and foremost, what are your goals for the IT club?


“Being the club leader, my utmost priority is to make a better and more comfortable space for all the tech-savvy students at the school. My goal is to make a small community who can learn and explore together - be it through events or helping someone with a query.”

Could you explain a bit about cyber security?


“In layman's terms, Cyber Security is all about reducing the risks of a cyber attack and protecting against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies. We have actually been using cyber security on our own in our daily lives without even noticing it. It could be password protected, anti-virus software, encryption, or 2FA - they all come under cyber security and serve one purpose to protect our data.


Is there any advice you would like to give people regarding cyber security? 


“Cybersecurity is very important in everyone's life because it protects all categories of information from theft and damage. This includes sensitive data, personally identifiable information and personal information. 


Our society is more technologically reliant than ever. Sensitive information like passwords, credit card information and bank details are now saved on google drive or other similar cloud storage. 

This makes us vulnerable to cyber attacks such as phishing scams, viruses and other malicious activities that intend to steal our data. 


The best thing to do to protect yourself and be secure is to enable and use 2FA wherever you can, not use pirated software and illegally download movies, use certified anti-virus software, and do frequent scans.” 

Pranay Nidhi- Cyber Security Head/ IT Club 


In your opinion, what are the biggest cybersecurity threats to students right now? 


“In my opinion, the biggest cybersecurity threats for students right now are phishing and malware. Right now every single thing we do is pushed online and through digitalisation, technological use is booming. 


As a student myself, I can relate to what other students are doing nowadays: meeting new people, exploring sites, and being able to download desired software and games for free is a craze. Who would rather pay for Netflix when they could get movies at home for free? We explore a lot of unknown territories and expose ourselves to viruses, scams, and fraud. The problem is, students are not aware of the cruel online world. 


Phishing is a technical term that simply means ‘destruction’. This can be done via. numbers or stats. Piracy and fraud are a big problem but so is exposure to unsuitable content. In this regard, the education sector is lacking. Awareness needs to be raised on the negative impacts of phishing and students need to be informed about cyber hygiene and web guidelines moving forwards. 

What is the future of cybersecurity in Nepal?


“Just like any other sector, cybersecurity will grow and expand. New viruses, new hackers, new cyber experts, new courses. It is a booming sector, with more job opportunities, more awareness, and more techniques being developed every day.


In today's fast-paced society, Nepal to has to digitise and for that people need assurance. Cybersecurity can provide that by protecting websites and minimising data breaches, security threats, and safety compromises to verified sites and trusted pages.


Nepal is moving to let in the next generation of cyber experts. It is slowly establishing itself as an important sector and demanding labour market for jobs and opportunities. Nepal will shift to digital currency and mechanisation with steady progress, as advancements into the computer world. Though currently on the 94th rank of the Global Cybersecurity Performance Index, it is rising fast. Nepal will rise, with its people, and the next generation's thoughts.”

-Interviewed and compiled by Prayukta KC (BMC Student)


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