MBA Consultancy Project Reflection IV

Reflection: This is a reflection of our final year MBA project. We are students from the MBA Jan 2019 batch at TBC.
Background Information: Uttam, Anish and Poonam are TBC Alumni of the batch of January 2019. As a part of the MBA final project, students are expected to take on the applied research as a Consultancy Project. This group of students had the opportunity to work for Nepal Airlines Corporation as a consultant for 4 months. Below is their reflection on the process of MBA Consultancy Project and their overall experience of the MBA programme at The British College.
As a requirement of our final year CP, we had approached multiple organisations such as NTC, Bishal Group, Chaudhary Group, and Nepal Airlines. At first, we were worried whether we could complete the project, but having completed the project, now we proudly say that it was a great overall learning experience. In fact, interacting with clients has made us more agile to upending challenges and developing professionalism. Besides, it has also enabled us to accept uncertainties and get out of our comfort zone. For our project, we had interacted with several organisations. Initially, after setting up multiple meetings, our choice of organisation was Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) because they presented us with a project they were researching on, named ‘The sectoral study for the expansion of their new flight’. They handed us the project since they wanted an outsider’s perspective. Also, they planned to cross-check and verify their findings with ours.
When embarking on our project, we were oblivious to how a result from the research is derived or how it works in an applied sense. But as it kept progressing, with research proposal and report, everything unraveled with time (especially with guidance from our teachers). With our theoretical understanding and rigorous research study, we could solve our client’s problems effortlessly. One thing that we are grateful for, among many, is that we learned the basics of reading research papers, which we think is imperative to effective learning. In the real world, without reading skills, it is challenging to innovate or discover new findings. It was when we learned and applied different reading skills, we were able to see the research process and findings through a number of different lenses critically. Even more, we learned more than what MBA curriculum included. Similarly, time management, group work, literature review skills, professionalism, pitching ideas, reflective writing are some of the many skills we have acquired in the process.
Similarly, we are also thankful for the appreciations we received from our Client. Our work was in a way different from the Client’s practices. Similarly, through rigorous research work and strategic recommendations, we were able to impress our Client. Also, we added a new direction to the study.
Having said that, if the assistance of our Supervisors and College management were not there, our CP work would have been a difficult experience (given the intricacy of a subject matter itself). Therefore, we are thankful to our College for providing us with such an opportunity, and our Supervisors who have been through our highs and lows. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for all the efforts our College has shown to get this project done. From day one, by running classes on research work to the close of the play supervision, the College has always been by our side. Even during the COVID-19 situation, their support through online platforms was really commendable.
Finally, as MBA alumni, we would like to offer the following advice. First, for those already enrolled in the MBA programme of the British College, do not take this course lightly. This course will help you bridge the disparity in your theoretical and practical understanding. There will be lots of takeaways (both implicit and explicit) from this course, which will be handy especially when advancing your career. Second, having a need to approach the Client, solve one of their problems, writing a report, and presenting might seem to be an overwhelming experience, but as we move along, it would just be like a nick of time.
So, as alumni of MBA, we advise you to be well-prepared to approach organisations of your choice for MBA CP Project. Although it might sound slightly frustrating at first, some Clients do have work and they are looking for helping hands to get their project done. Therefore, even though there is always a fear of rejections, clients are looking for potential researchers/students. Hence, you ought to approach them as it will be a great learning experience.