Coping with Covid Anxiety

Coping with Covid Anxiety
The pandemic has been very anxiety-inducing for many of us. Whether it is the worry that we will catch Covid-19 or anxiety caused by the news or lockdowns - this time has sadly been filled with triggers. And as a result, many people are now experiencing ‘Covid-19 Anxiety Syndrome’ otherwise known as ‘CAS’.
So we have put together a guide to help you understand what exactly CAS is, how to cope with it, and how to know when you should ask for help.
“How do I know if I have CAS?”
The following behaviours may be signs that you are currently experiencing CAS:
- Compulsive checking for symptoms of Covid
- Avoiding public places
- Obsessively cleaning
- Having trouble thinking about anything other than Covid-19
- Finding that your anxiety is interfering in your daily life
- Having trouble sleeping
- Experiencing unusual physical symptoms, like frequent headaches or stomach aches
- Feeling hopeless or bitter about Covid
- Other maladaptive measures that show that you are not adjusting well to the pandemic
“So how is the best way to cope with CAS?”
If you think you may be struggling with CAS, then the following coping techniques may help:
- Seek positive news: Recovery cases, vaccine rollouts, and new treatment options are all Covid related positive messages to look out for to help ease your anxiety.
- Take things slow: Take your time to settle when working from home, and don't expect to be productive and multitask all the time, as it may trigger your anxiety.
- Discuss your feelings of anxiety: Talk about your worries with your close friends and family, as this creates a sense of support that can ease your anxious feelings.
- Spend extra time on self-care: Eat healthily, ventilate your room, sleep well and socialise with your friends and family (safely or virtually) when possible.
“How do I know when my Covid anxiety has reached the point that I should ask for help?”
It is natural for us all to feel some anxiety around this time, but if any of the following are relevant to you, then it may be time to ask for help and speak with an SCWU counsellor:
- Your family or friends has expressed concern for your level of worry and fear
- You go out of your way to avoid people and places to avoid exposing yourself to new places or meeting new people
- Your response to a potential risk of threat or danger is growing
- If your fear of Covid and change in schedule has impacted your wellbeing for over two weeks
Please remember that help is always available from the Happy Minds team. You can contact us on 9801029500 anytime, or click here to Book an Appointment today.