Fusemachines Nepal Visits The British College

The British College (TBC) welcomed members from Fusemachines Nepal on 24th May 2018 for a session on employment opportunities at their company. The session was exclusively targeted for the final year students of BSc (Hons) Computing.
Fusemachines Nepal provides intelligent software solutions that transform brands, grow businesses and make people's lives easier. The primary task of the team members lies in providing technical solutions, designs, business development platforms and content writing.
This was a very good platform for our students to interact with the expert team members from the company and discuss the latest ongoing trends in the tech industry. In addition to this, they got an opportunity to understand the work ethics, environment, and employee policies at Fusemachines.
The British College is delighted to have had an opportunity to host this session in collaboration with the Fusemachines Nepal team. The session was in accordance with TBC's vision to ensure that students graduate with, skills to enter the job market.